Thursday, March 17, 2011

Getting Scared or Getting Ready?

    Things are looking pretty scary. If you are even a casual student of the Bible, you are aware that in the end times, around the world and particularly in the mideast, events will unfold much like we are currently observing.
    If you know me at all, you know I am not an alarmist. And I’m pretty skeptical of those guys on TV and radio who make a living on convincing their audience that the world is on the brink of Armageddon. (Then the audience in turn sends them a bunch of money….for some reason.)
    But putting aside the abusive and manipulative tactics of those I would call alarmists, Jesus did tell us to pay attention to what is happening in our world. And the Bible does tell us that Israel will become an island, surrounded by enemy nations that will make war with her with the intent to destroy her and annihilate the population. And we are also told that the frequency and destructive nature of natural disasters will increase. Then when I consider Daniel’s prophecy that in the end times, knowledge will increase (that’s an understatement for today!) and world travel will be common, I can’t help but believe the end is near.
    I know, everyone in their time thought that. And I’m not going to set any dates or point fingers at possible candidates for the Anti-Christ. But the end IS near! Jesus told us to watch. Are you?
    In reality, He was more concerned that we watch our selves, more so than world events. But the world events were to remind us to watch ourselves. Jesus wants us to not be caught off guard. He wants us to be ready.
    Are you? Are you ready for His return?
    I don’t know when Jesus will return, or when Armageddon will take place, or the rapture, or any of these things. I know what the Bible says about the events of the end times, and I know about the signs. And a lot of those signs appear to be there now. But Jesus may delay his coming a hundred or a thousand years. For us, we need to be ready, today, tomorrow, next week and next year.
    One teacher decided to encourage her students to better organize their desks and to keep them neat. She invited the principal to be in on her plan, and announced to the class that he will come in once a week and inspect their desks. Everyone with a clean desk would be dismissed for recess five minutes early that day.
    One boy announced that he would clean his desk first thing every morning. The teacher asked, “What if he comes at the end of the day?” He said that he would clean it again before school let out. She responded, “What if he comes during lunch?”
    “I guess I’ll clean it up now and keep it clean all day, every day!”
    That was Jesus’ point when He said, “You also must be ready all the time. For the Son of Man will come when least expected” (Matthew 24:44).
    The end is near. Get ready!

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