Saturday, May 22, 2010

Find a Place

     We are a camping family. I’m sure for all of you who were born and raised in the city, that is your stereotype for those of us from Wisconsin. I will have to admit that I grew up enjoying the outdoors: hunting, fishing, camping, hiking and biking. Most of my happiest childhood memories were in the woods, hiking the bluffs along the Mississippi, on the Mississippi fishing, or sleeping in a tent in a campground. But believe it or not, most people in Wisconsin are no more familiar with the outdoors than those who grew up in Des Plaines!
    But for me, I’ve always loved it. Today, the outdoors is my escape. After living in Illinois for the last three years (almost), I couldn’t hold myself back any longer. I found a $1,000 pop-up camper on craigslist and the Zieglers are camping again! When we inaugurated the camper a month ago, we were entertained by wild turkeys in the state park for a good portion of the time we were there.
    One of my favorite aspects of camping, is the time I get alone with God. There is something about being in the middle of His creation, without the distraction of traffic, TV, or even the voices of other people, that helps me focus. I can relate to Jesus when in the height of his busyness, he would often leave the crowd, needs and all, and go into the wilderness to spend time with His Father. It appears that His favorite place near Jerusalem was the Garden of Gethsemane––sort of like a state park, I think. ☺
    Do you have a place? A couple of weeks ago, I spoke on the need for all of us to have a daily quiet time with God. I hope you are doing well with your own personal time each day with God. But there is also something special about being able to go to a place away from all the hustle and bustle, periodically, where you can spend an extended time just communing with your Creator. For me, that happens best in a state park or a wildlife refuge. Do you have a place like that? Luke 5:16 says, “Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.”
    What a great habit for you to start this week!

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