Thursday, February 11, 2010

Security Guards? Really?

     Have you seen the latest video depicting youth violence in the Seattle bus tunnel? I have been alarmed of late by the growing number of security tapes from school busses, outside businesses in urban areas, and now in a metro bus terminal; videos that depict kids nearly killing other kids (and in the case of Chicago teen, actually doing so). Watching a group of girls pummeling, kicking, and even stomping on the head of another girl should be enough for any of us to become alarmed. But evidently not for three security guards who stood by watching, even nonchalantly, as the girl was beaten nearly to death. None of the three “guards” made an attempt to intervene. I found myself asking out loud, “For who’s security are they there? Who or what are they supposed to be guarding?”
     I was even more appalled when I learned from a Seattle law enforcement official who was being interviewed, that the Metro Bus Company (owned and operated by the county) had contracted with security guards who were instructed to never intervene in situations of violence, only to observe and report. I thought that’s what the cameras were for! Again, for who’s security was the company contracted and what were they to guard if not the safety of their citizens and passengers?
     Then, get this, when doing a Google search on the story to get the details, I typed in “youth violence in Seattle” and the first article that came back was dated a year ago. It outlined a $2 million plan the city and county were throwing money at to curb youth violence. I’m missing something. They want to spend $2 million on a program to curb violence and at the same time instruct “security guards” to just let innocent minors to be beaten and robbed without coming to their aid? What is all that money going to accomplish if citizens are not decent enough to protect innocent bystanders from being hurt and if the government that is doling out that money discourages even security guards from protecting people? Is not this a bit ridiculous?
     And then I shook my head as I thought how so many churches are a lot like that. Quick to dole out money to send to missionaries, overseas and domestically, supposedly to introduce the Gospel to those who do not know Christ, but at the same time doing little if anything to reach the unsaved who live in their communities. As a church, we are in danger of the government’s “just throw money at it” mindset. Jesus told us in the Great Commission to make disciples….that’s for us to make disciples, not just send money to people who are supposed to do that in other countries and communities.
     You know, that $2 million dollar program in Seattle may not be a bad idea. But it will do little in comparison to the Seattle people (and Chicago people for that matter) simply acting decently and coming to the aid of their fellow humans. Helping to support foreign missionaries is not a bad idea either, unless we are not busy living out and sharing our faith with our neighbors, coworkers, friends and relatives. If we become consumed with reaching our Jerusalem, it will be a more natural thing for us to want to expand our witness to Judea, Samaria, and the rest of the world. So let’s first get busy sharing Christ with those we have contact with!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


     “Hey little squirrel!” He looked up at me with his beady little eyes, his mouth dropped open, and he turned and scampered off in the opposite direction….across the church lobby!
     Let me explain ☺. We have a beautiful lobby in our church with some very comfortable furniture and big open windows. Some days it is quiet out there and I like to use it to study, pray, and even for some of my meetings.
     While sitting here on the leather sofa in front of the floor to ceiling south window, a squirrel suddenly appeared from behind the couch facing me and was startled to see me sitting here. Roofers had left an area open without screening it and we knew some squirrels had gotten into our attic. They’ve evidently figured out how to make their way down to join us for worship, because Heather Heath chased one out the door several weeks ago on a Sunday. We called the roofers and they came out and closed up the entrance. Trouble is, their entrance was also their exit. Since then, having no other way out, they’ve joined us down here and we’ve chased four squirrels out through our main level doors.
This morning (Thursday), our courageous office manager thought she had taken care of the last one as she stood with her eyes closed, while praying and trembling, holding the door open to let one little guy out. He was happy to leave, but not as happy as Becky was to see him go!
     Then came the little guy around the couch to meet me. I felt sorry for him. He ran down the lobby bridge area, along the glass curtain wall, leaping against the glass panes all along the way, trying to get out. John Knautz and I followed him to several parts of the building (praying he didn’t make it to the basement where the women’s Bible study was going on…..can you imagine that?), opening doors and trying to coax him out. While I kept trying to show him the open doors, he kept leaping against glass windows or doors that were closed. He found himself trapped in the building and just wanted out. Finally, we were able to chase him to a door we had propped open and he made it outside.
     I couldn’t help but think about how I know a lot of people who are like that little squirrel. They feel trapped by their situation and are doing everything they can to get out, but every time they think they’ve found their way, they slam up against a glass pane. A relationship, maybe a few relationships, a job, a house or car, alcohol, sex, prescription pain killers. Wham. Wham. Wham. They just want out of the emptiness or the misery they feel trapped in. I can’t tell you how many times I have tried to coax people through the only door (John 10:9) that will lead to their freedom, but thinking its too scary to listen to a preacher, they choose another glass window pane instead.
     Maybe that describes you. If so, please listen! Freedom is only found in Jesus Christ! He is your answer!
     Maybe you are not like the little squirrel but you are thinking of someone who is. Don’t give up showing him the way! If John and I had given up on showing the squirrel the way to freedom, Becky would still be in the office with the doors closed tight, and we might even have a little excitement in the service this Sunday (not sure that would be a bad thing!).